“Lose weight - Cement better habits - Develop a positive relationship with food ”
- Weight loss is tricky – it’s important you are confident you are getting the correct information from an expert. You will need lots of support, encouragement and helpful feedback & advice. What you do not need is any kind of judgement or negativity. As a result you will have the tools to change your habits and behaviours for good!
- My most popular programs are, the Online Group Weight loss program for women and the 1:1 program.
- Weight loss is tricky – it’s important you are confident you are getting the correct information from an expert. You will need lots of support, encouragement and helpful feedback & advice. What you do not need is any kind of judgement or negativity. As a result you will have the tools to change your habits and behaviours for good!
- My most popular programs are, the Online Group Weight loss program for women and the 1:1 program.
Easy Program to follow
Support & Encouragement - lots of it!
Practical Tips & Ideas
Simple & Tasty Recipes
Helpful Advice & Feedback
Flexibility - no rigid meal plans
Privacy - no public meetings or weigh-ins

Paula is big into changing the way you think about food, health, dieting and weight, she is not just about the number on the scales!! She shows you how to include carbs, bread, the odd treat in your diet, balance is the big thing. I have learned so much about nutrition, weight loss, food, calories and portion size. Everything can be eaten in moderation, I know this now, but I also now understand what moderation actually means! I’d recommend Paula to anyone, I got on great with her, she is really encouraging, doesn’t make you feel stupid, she is forever sharing tips, pics of what she is eating, and she always knows just what to say when life got in the way! It has clicked at last!
Brid O'Riordan
Weight Loss Consultation / Coaching Session €100
* One-off Consultation * Coaching & Motivational 1:1 session * 1-1.5hr Online Appointment
Group Weight Loss Program for WOMEN €200
* 10-week Online Group program * Daily tips, Recipes & Motivation * Weekly 1:1 Accountability
1:1 Weight Loss Program €350
* 10-week Private Online program * Lots of Support * 1:1 Coaching * Daily tips, Recipes & Motivation * Weekly Accountability
NEW! 1:1 Weight Loss Program & 5 Bi-weekly calls €500
* 10-week Private Online program * Lots of Support * 1:1 Coaching * Daily tips, Recipes & Motivation * Weekly Accountability